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Subscription Fees

We welcome you to be part of the thriving membership, busy competition and social calendars, and the close-knit golfing family at Cotswold Hills.

  • Full Adult Membership
    Over 35 Years of AgeJoining FeeSubscription
    7 Day£750.00£1263.00
    6 Day£750.00£1159.00
    5 Day£750.00£1061.00


  • 7 Day Intermediate Membership
    Joining FeeSubscription
    30 to 35 years£750.00£1090.00
    23 to 29 years£750.00£848.00
    18 to 22 years£750.00£425.00


  • 6 Day Intermediate Membership
    Joining FeeSubscription
    30 to 35 years£750.00£975.00
    23 to 29 years£750.00£727.00
    18 to 22 years£750.00£363.00


  • Junior Membership
    Academy Membership£55.00
    Intermediate Academy 6 day£110.00
    Full 7 day Junior£163.00
  • Student Membership
    Up to the age of 25 years 7 Day£260.00
  • Social Membership
    Social Membership£62.00 plus bar levy of £100.00
    Social Plus Membership*£363.00 per year plus bar levy of £100.00
    *open to existing members only, age 78 or over*